Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Essay Idea

When I first heard about this assignment I was so eager start(even though professor Williams said not to). I have chosen to do a sports literacy, I selected this topic because I am "sports junky". Not only have I been able to recite every single stat or player on a roster I have had many opportunities to play on sports teams to even broaden my knowledge even more. This love turned into coaching youth kids play basketball which eventually led to me starting my our AAU organization this summer at the age of 17 not that many people can say that. This whole AAU experience has changed my life and has even helped decide what I'm going to be in life (sports management major) and I eventually want to run my own professional sports team. I plan on displaying my love from a very young age to where I am not with my organization with a movie based project. This project will really see what type of person I am and where I am heading and how I got to where I am now.